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ALT + 1 Inicio

ALT + 2 Noticias

ALT + 3 Mapa de sitio

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University Social Responsibility Program

This program leads strategies oriented to strengthen the university social responsibility system (USR) as a core principle of the institutional mission. 

In this sense, it coordinates the USR institutional committee and promotes the work in national and international interinstitutional networks concerning this matter.

It also fosters public-spirited outreach as a manifestation of this principle, which is expressed by means of community academic practices, social entrepreneurship, human and social development projects, and university voluntary work. The latter engages students, professors, and alumni for the generation of processes of social participation that improve life conditions of the most vulnerable population.

Coordinator of the University Social Responsibility Program

Mónica Isabel Palacio Salazar

She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management, specialization studies in Human Development Management, and a master’s degree in Organizational Human Development Management. At Universidad de Antioquia, she has held different positions such as coordinator of Graduate Programs and Continuing Education of the Faculty of Economics.

Universidad de Antioquia | Vigilada Mineducación | Acreditación institucional hasta el 2022 | NIT 890980040-8
Recepción de correspondencia: calle 70 No. 52 - 21 | Apartado Aéreo 1226 | Dirección: calle 67 No. 53 - 108 | Horario de atención
Conmutador: [57 + 604] 219 8332 | Línea gratuita de atención al ciudadano: 018000 416384 | Fax: [57 + 604] 263 8282
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