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Principles and values

Publicado 7 abr. 2015


Principles and values

UdeA focuses its efforts primarily on maintaining its long-standing reputation as a center for culture and science as well as its unwavering commitment to the community.  The University strives to meet the ever-increasing demand for knowledge and maintain its commitment to generate new knowledge and find solutions to the problems facing the community.  It also promotes the production and development of knowledge for the sake of human and scientific development, fosters a supportive environment for ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity. The University is also committed to environmental preservation and the rational use of natural resources.

Equality and diversity

The University promotes an environment conducive to diversity and inclusion as well as opportunity equality and treatment regardless of socio-economic status, political ideology, race, gender or religion.


Universidad de Antioquia reserves the right to:

  • Amend or modify its statutes and regulations.
  • Appoint regents and staff.
  • Create and develop academic programs.
  • Define and organize its educational, academic, teaching, research, cultural and administrative policies and activities.
  • Award degree certificates.
  • Select faculty and staff members.
  • Admit students as well as implement new policies and regulations.
  • Manage and control its resources to meet its operational and social responsibility goals.


The University welcomes all forms of knowledge and cultural expressions and encourages communication and relationships with peoples from all around the world, especially Latin America as well as other universities, research organizations and public and private institutions.            

Teaching and learning

Faculty members are enabled to transmit knowledge and develop the curriculum in accordance with the University’s ethical, scientific and teaching principles. Likewise, students can discuss teaching methods and seize available information resources in order to expand and deepen their knowledge. 


UdeA’s internal regulations are designed to ensure the smooth and effective operation of the University. These regulations result in a number of rights and responsibilities and are intended to ensure that the University meets its specific goals.

Supportive campus environment

The campus community is committed to rational dialogue and civilized debate as a way to achieve the University’s goals and solve conflicts by promoting a supportive campus environment based on mutual respect.    

Academic excellence

The university's guiding principle is encourage our faculty and students to meet the highest standards of excellence in all academic endeavors and seek the highest levels of intellectual achievement.


Research, teaching and extension activities address theoretical and practical issues from an interdisciplinary perspective to better understand the complexity of phenomena and processes and how they interact and to promote mutual collaboration and development in the pursuit of knowledge.


Self-assessment and ongoing improvement of our academic programs are essential to ensure the proper functioning of the University and play also a key role in the University’s accreditation process. UdeA is recognized by the National Accreditation System.


As part of its mission statement and in order to meet the highest standards of excellence in higher education, the University has close links with other public and private institutions both nationally and abroad.


The campus community has the right to actively participate either individually or collectively in all activities related to the University via the mechanisms enshrined in the Colombian Constitution and the University regulations.

Freedom of assembly

All members of the University community have the right to freedom of assembly and to create study groups and teams to conduct research, teaching and extension activities, as well as cultural, sport, recreational and eco-friendly activities.  The University is committed to promote an environment that encourages harmonious relationships.

Right to petition

Members of the University community have the right to submit petitions to University authorities and get a prompt and proper response.

Due process

In accordance with University disciplinary procedures, the university community is entitled to due process. Proceedings for implementing the due process are carried out based on the magnitude of the offense, the facts of the case, guilt and punishment. 

Strategic plan

UdeA’s comprehensive development plan encompasses a broad range of specific programs and projects designed to meet the needs of each academic unit or department of the University. The planning process involves thorough management assessment in order to meet the University’s standards of academic and administrative excellence.  Management assessment is essential for the continued development of the University.  

Administrative decentralization

Decentralized functions play a key role in the academic and administrative operation of the University and also provide support in helping achieve the University’s academic and administrative goals. Although the various departments and schools of the University work in close collaboration, each department has been conferred autonomous status to carry out its functions independently.


Universidad de Antioquia has a long-standing reputation for promoting regionalization as a way to boost knowledge transfer, research, technology and culture across the country.  

Universidad de Antioquia | Vigilada Mineducación | Acreditación institucional hasta el 2022 | NIT 890980040-8
Recepción de correspondencia: calle 70 No. 52 - 21 | Apartado Aéreo 1226 | Dirección: calle 67 No. 53 - 108 | Horario de atención
Conmutador: [57 + 604] 219 8332 | Línea gratuita de atención al ciudadano: 018000 416384 | Fax: [57 + 604] 263 8282
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