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Oportunidades en la Universidad de Groningen para hacer doble titulación doctoral entre la UdeA y la UG.

Oportunidades en la Universidad de Groningen para hacer doble titulación doctoral entre la UdeA y la UG.

Este evento, organizado en colaboración con la University of Groningen y la Dirección de Relaciones Internacionales, les brindará información valiosa sobre cómo avanzar en su carrera académica en una de las universidades más prestigiosas de Países Bajos. 

La University of Groningen, fundada en 1614, es una institución conocida por su excelencia en investigación y educación. Ubicada en los Países Bajos, ofrece una amplia gama de programas académicos y cuenta con una diversa comunidad estudiantil internacional. Sus programas de maestría y doctorado son reconocidos por su rigor académico y su enfoque innovador, brindando a los estudiantes las herramientas necesarias para sobresalir en sus respectivas áreas de conocimiento.

Durante este ciclo de charlas, representantes de tres áreas de conocimiento compartirán información detallada sobre los procesos de admisión, los programas disponibles, y las oportunidades de doble titulación.

Áreas del conocimiento y fechas:

Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades: 

📅 Fecha: 23 de octubre
🕤 Hora: 9:30 a.m. 
Regístrate en Zoom: https://udearroba.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYqf-yrpzspGNyh4qYp-qdRL24y9m4V8ObR
🎓 Ponente: Luis Gonzalez, University of Groningen Representative for Latin America

Luis Andrés is the University of Groningen Representative for Latin America. Holds a degree in International Relations from the Faculty of Political Science and Social Studies at UNAM. Currently studying pre-masters in Chonnam National University in South Korea. He specializes in gender and human rights issues; international organization, and internationalization of education. In addition, he is a founder and collaborator of the digital magazine Erreizando, where an analysis of the International Relations from Pop Culture. He has also played the role of Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the UNAM.

Ciencias de la salud: 

📅 Fecha: 24 de octubre
🕤 Hora: 9:30 a.m. 
Regístrate en Zoom: https://udearroba.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIqdeGrrTwoG9yJ8EwOqqDNSzyc1rAD5SF6
🎓 Ponente: Han Moshage, Professor of Experimental Hepatology and Gastroenterology University Medical Center/University of Groningen

Han Moshage (1959) studied chemistry at the Radboud University of Nijmegen (Netherlands) and graduated in 1983 with specialization in Biochemistry. After receiving his PhD degree at the Radboud University of Nijmegen in 1987 (Title: Molecular regulation of fibrinogen and albumin synthesis in the liver during the acute phase response), he was post-doctoral fellow at the Alcohol Research and Treatment Center of the VA Medical Center/Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, USA. From 1990-1993 he was assistant professor at the Dept. of Hepatology, University Hospital Leuven in Belgium. Since 1993 he has been at the Dept. of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the University of Groningen. In 2005, he was appointed full professor of Experimental Hepatology and Gastroenterology.

Moshage also served as secretary of the Dutch Society of Hepatology (1997-2003), member of the Scientific Council of the Dutch Digestive Diseases Foundation (1998-2005), director of the research master program Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment (2005-2013), director of the University of Groningen Research Institute GUIDE (2005-2012), director of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences (2009-2012) and is currently responsible for International Relations within the Graduate School of Medical Sciences. He served on many evaluation panels of funding agencies and is currently chair of the starting career grant program ZonMW-Veni for (bio)medical sciences of the Dutch government. He also serves on the editorial board and was/is guest-editor of several peer-reviewed international journals. Moshage has been primary supervisor of more than 25 PhD students. 

Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías

📅 Fechas:25 de octubre
🕤 Hora: 9:30 a.m.
Regístrate en Zoom: https://udearroba.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYlcOuoqT4qE9EnvFk2Ox9HgepTgdbhXqn4 
🎓 Ponente: Cecilia Salgado, Associate professor in the Algebra Group of the Bernoulli Institute at the University of Groningen. 

Cecilia Is an associate professor in the Algebra Group of the Bernoulli Institute at the University of Groningen. After concluding her Ph.D. in Paris VII, she was a postdoctoral researcher at Leiden and Bonn before taking a position at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where she was an associate professor until 2023. Her research is currently around the arithmetic and geometry of algebraic surfaces, in particular those with fibration structures. She is also interested in manifestations of those in the context of algebraic geometry codes. She strives for a diverse community in academia and has been involved in several initiatives such as the European editions of Women in Numbers and also the organisation of events in Brazil and more recently in Groningen.

No te pierdas esta oportunidad especial de conocer más sobre las posibilidades académicas en la University of Groningen y de interactuar con representantes que podrán responder a todas tus preguntas. 

¡Te esperamos!