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domingo, 26 de mayo 2024



Acerca del grupo

Nombre del grupo de investigación: One Health and Veterinary Innovative Research and Develpment (OHVRI-Group) 

Ciudad: Medellín

Categoría otorgada por Colciencias: B

OHVRI Group was created with the aim to support research and innovative initiatives in veterinary medicine and translational medicine. It is aimed also to support undergraduate program (Veterinary Medicine) and graduate programs (Master of Science Program in Veterinary Sciences and Ph.D. Program in Veterinary Sciences) at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Antioquia. Research and Innovative and Development activities will be focused on providing high-quality standards for improving animal and human health.

Several lines of RI&D are continuously required for sustainable Veterinary Medicine Initiatives in Companion Animals, Food Animals, Exotic Animals, and Wild Species. It is a priority to fulfill as many as national and international funding calls as possible to guarantee research, innovation, and development in veterinary sciences in the context of One Health OIE´s initiatives. These initiatives are the main focus of OHVRI-group.


  1. To contribute to developing Innovative Solutions for Solving Problems of health and disease of Veterinary Medicine and its common problem with Humans. 
  2. To providing a Scientific Framework for Supporting Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, Research and Innovative Developments in Animals and translational medicine. 
  3. To develop Innovative Projects Aimed to contribute for Advancing Research and Knowledge of One Health´ Initiatives.

Laboratorios e infraestructura:

Oficina 47-123. Implementos y equipos para simulación en cirugía laparoscópica. Equipos de ultrasonografía, evaluación andrológica, y criopreservación de embriones.

Convenios Internacionales:

  • Texas A&M University. Estados Unidos. Dr. Fuller W. Bazer.

Cooperación con instituciones nacionales:

  • Dr. Neil Vásquez Araque. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín.



Teléfono: 2199126
Correo electrónico: ohvrigroup@udea.edu.co
Dirección: Carrera 75 N° 65-87. Oficina 47-123. Ciudadela Robledo

Universidad de Antioquia | Vigilada Mineducación | Acreditación institucional hasta el 2033 | NIT 890980040-8
Recepción de correspondencia: calle 70 No. 52 - 21 | Apartado Aéreo 1226 | Dirección: calle 67 No. 53 - 108 | Horario de atención
Conmutador: [57 + 604] 219 8332 | Línea gratuita de atención al ciudadano: 018000 416384 | Fax: [57 + 604] 263 8282
Peticiones, quejas, reclamos, sugerencias, denuncias, consultas y felicitaciones
Política de tratamiento de datos personales
Medellín - Colombia | Todos los Derechos Reservados © 2020