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jueves, 9 de mayo 2024
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Personalized Courses

This is a program intended for undergraduate non-Spanish speaking students that would like to enroll at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. Foreign students could take personalized courses of their interest and would be enrolled as regular UdeA students, having a close accompaniment of their instructor during academic activities.

Exact and natural sciences personalized courses

For Whom?

This is a program intended for undergraduate non-Spanish speaking students that would like to enroll at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. Foreign students could take personalized courses of their interest and would be enrolled as regular UdeA students, having a close accompaniment of their instructor during academic activities.

Most of the courses are offered in English, but there are some in Portuguese, depending on the instructor’s proficiency. 

Check the list of the courses here.

How to apply

Students from foreign institutions who have an agreement with UdeA might have the possibility to attend one or two academic terms at the university, exempted from tuition. The courses that foreign students intend to study must be previously approved by both the students’ home university and the host institution. 


  • To be enrolled in a university that has an agreement with Universidad de Antioquia.[See agreements]

  • To have a GPA equal to or higher than 3.5 in a 5.0 scale.

  • Students, from non-English or non-Portuguese speaking countries, must certify a Common European Framework of Reference B1 language proficiency in the language of the personalized course they intend to enroll.

  • International students must enroll in at least eight credits per term (2 courses aprox.).


The home university must send to the International Affairs Office at UdeA, the following documentation of their students in PDF, to the emails: movilidadinter@udea.edu.co and apoyointer@udea.edu.co Applications of foreign students done personally will not be accepted.

  1. Official transcripts (in English or Spanish).

  2. Common European Framework of Reference B1 language proficiency certificate, issued by an authorized institution, in the language of the personalized course they intend to enroll (only for students who come from non-English or non-Portuguese speaking countries).  

  3. Letter of intend expressing the reasons of the interest in the mobility (in English).

  4. Recommendation letter by a professor of the home university.

  5. Presentation letter from the home university.

  6. Copy of the current passport.

  7. Exchange application form of the UdeA for mobility [download form here]. 

Once each student’s application has been analyzed, an email answer will be sent to both the home university and the student. The response times will depend on the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, but an answer will be given during the three weeks that follow the closure of the mobility call.

Health Insurance

Foreign students accepted by UdeA must acquire an international health insurance plan valid in Colombia that includes medical care and treatment by accident or illness, hospitalization, health and funeral repatriation and all the other requirements inherent to an international mobility. Students must present the insurance copy upon arrival to the institution and before enrolling in the corresponding academic term. This requirement is mandatory and it is also recommended that students get the contact information (attention locations and telephone numbers) of their insurance in the place they will carry out their academic activity.

Regular courses

In addition, foreign students interested in the personalized courses can also take regular courses taught in Spanish, if they fulfil the mandatory requirements. Check here all the information


Open date: March 22nd
Closure date: April 30th
Final answer deadline: May 25th

Note: accepted foreign student must arrive at Universidad de Antioquia late July. The academic term begins in early August.


For the administrative procedures (María Vanegas): movilidadinter@udea.edu.co 
For academic issues (Prof. Marco Giraldo): exactasynaturalesinternacional@udea.edu.co

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